News - 22nd Oct 2024

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Remote Learning
If pupils spend time away from school during the term as a result of extended illness or because they have significant medical needs and are unable to access school, they will receive a personalised remote learning offer.
Each pupil’s teacher will work with parents to devise a remote learning curriculum that is right for them but it is likely to include a combination of online sessions, learning tasks presented through online platforms such as Google Classroom and physical resources sent home.
Whilst pupils may not be physically in school, our teachers, support staff and Family Support Team are always on-hand to support pupils and their families in whichever way they need.
Additional Resources
There are lots of resources available online to support children and young people with remote learning
Daily ‘home learning’ lessons for Years 1-9. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully.
Jolly Learning – Jolly Phonics
A wide range of worksheets and activities that children will enjoy working through at home, as well as guidance for parents if they are new to phonics.
Walker Books – At home with Walker Bear
Activities based on the best-selling books from Walker plus YouTube channel of full readings and bookish activities.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, HarperCollins is permitting teachers, librarians, and booksellers to record their own readings of our titles to share as storytime and read-aloud videos.
University College London – Institute of Education – Homeschooling children with SEND
A series of information resources to help parents, carers and families support pupils with SEND at home during the period of school closures.